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(262) 782-4430

Eat at ParkSide 23 on Nov. 10th – Raise funds for Sunset

Sunset Playhouse Parkside 23 Map

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Sunset will be holding a fundraiser at ParkSide 23, 2300 Pilgrim Square Drive, Brookfield, on Tuesday, November 10th. If you eat lunch or dinner at ParkSide 23 on that day and give your server the flyer below, 25% of the cost of you meal will go to Sunset Playhouse.

ParkSide 23 is a wonderful restaurant with a large variety of wholesome, home grown food. You will find may choices that you will enjoy. Their phone number is: 262-784-7275. Note: They only take reservations for parties of 10 or more. ParkSide 23 is located on the North East corner of North Avenue and Pilgrim Road.

So why not have a great lunch or dinner and support Sunset Playhouse. Hope to see you on November 10th!

Click here to download the ParkSide 23 coupon – just print out and present to your server before ordering your meal and Sunset will receive 25%! (25% donated to Sunset is based on food purchase only – beverages not included in % determination)

You may also pick up the required flyer at Sunset’s box office on or before November 10th if desired.[/vc_column_text][ultimate_spacer height=”30″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_btn title=”Click Here To Download The Parkside 23 Coupon” link=”||target:%20_blank”][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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