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Heather Houdlett

Heather Houdlett, who is playing  Luanne in our heartwarming holiday show THE BEST CHRISTMAS PAGEANT EVER: THE MUSICAL, now in the Sunset Spotlight. 

  1. When did you first become involved at Sunset Playhouse and what areas have you been involved with here at the Playhouse?
    My first show here at Sunset was Thoroughly Modern Millie, I stepped in a bit before it opened because a dear friend was ill and couldn’t play Miss Flannery. I have done musicals, plays, and 2 Musical Mainstage productions here at Sunset.


  1. If you are working on a Sunset show right now, what is your role?
    I am currently performing in The Best Christmas Pageant Ever: The Musical as Luanne the sassy church lady.


  1. If an actor, what has been your favorite role to date and what is your dream role? If a Production Team member, which show have you most enjoyed working on? What show would you like to do in the future?
    My favorite role to date was Alice in The Addams Family here at Sunset. It was such a fun role, I could have happily played Alice forever. My dream role would probably be The Witch in Into the Woods. I have done Into the Woods twice, maybe a third time will be in order.


  1. What do you enjoy most about the Sunset?
    What I like most about Sunset is how it’s like a family. Since my first show here, it has been my favorite place to perform. The space is beautiful, the props, sets, lighting, and costumes are always fantastic. The productions are so well done that I am proud to invite my friends and family to see it. I also love how many different programs they have for young actors.


  1. When not at Sunset, how do you spend your time?
    When I am not at Sunset I am home with my husband, 3 daughters, and new family favorite, our kitten Dexter. I work as a Medical Assistant in Urology at the Children’s Hospital with the best work family around.



  1. What is your favorite color/food/movie/TV show/book/musical or play?
    My favorite color is purple and my all-time favorite movie is Jaws. I am a BIG time shark lover.


  1. What is your favorite quote?
    “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel” Maya Angelou


  1. Any other comments?
    The Best Christmas Pageant Ever is special to me because I get to perform on stage for the first time with my oldest daughter, Ella. It’s been such a fun experience to have her up there with me. I am so grateful to be able to share this with her.

Headshot thanks to Stories Framed Photography