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Heather Peterson Blachowski

Heather Peterson Blachowski who is playing Connie is A CHORUS LINE, our sensational summer musical, now in the Sunset Spotlight!

  1. When did you first become involved at Sunset Playhouse and what areas have you been involved with here at the Playhouse?

I first became involved with Sunset Playhouse when I was cast in SPAMALOT in 2019.  I was also in the casts of SOMETHING ROTTEN and ELF THE MUSICAL.

  1. If you are working on a Sunset show right now, what is your role?

I am currently working on A CHORUS LINE as Connie and one of the dance captains. 

  1. If an actor, what has been your favorite role to date and what is your dream role? If a Production Team member, which show have you most enjoyed working on? What show would you like to do in the future?

My favorite role to date and my dream role are one in the same – A CHORUS LINE!  A CHORUS LINE has been my #1 dream show since high school, so I have been in performer heaven getting to be part of this production.  Connie is a great fit for me – we have several commonalities that you will get to see if you come to a performance!  In the future I would like to do any shows that have a lot of dancing. 

  1. What do you enjoy most about the Sunset?

In my 4th production with Sunset, I have had nothing but fantastic experiences.  The quality of the productions (and the theater itself) are top notch, and more importantly, the production teams & staff are wonderful to work with.  I have also met several of my closest friends through being in shows together at Sunset (shout out to my SOMETHING ROTTEN girls!). 

  1. When not at Sunset, how do you spend your time?

I work for Ascension Healthcare as Director of Operations for the Software Engineering Department.  I am the mom of two sons, Aidan & Avery.  In my free time I enjoy dance classes, concerts, cooking, and watching all of my friends perform. 

  1. What is your favorite color/food/movie/TV show/book/musical or play?

Color: Orange

Food: I love every type of cuisine.  Trying out new recipes and restaurants is one of my life joys

Movie: This is a tough one, so I will go with the Star Wars series

TV Show: The Haunting of Hill House

Book: The Shining


  1. What is your favorite quote?

“You dance love, and you dance joy, and you dance dreams.” – Gene Kelly

  1. Any other comments?

Audition or volunteer for a Sunset Playhouse production!  Your dreams could come true like mine have!