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Jason Peregoy

Jason Peregoy who is currently playing playwright Alex Dennison in the riveting mystery REHEARSAL FOR MURDER which runs through June 16, 2024, now in the Sunset Spotlight. 

When did you first become involved at Sunset Playhouse and what areas have you been involved with here at the Playhouse?

I got involved with Sunset one year ago in 2023 for their production of SPIDER’S WEB! It was actually my first show in the Milwaukee area. While this is my second time on stage with Sunset, I have also been able to help with fight/stunt choreography on three shows here!

 If you are working on a Sunset show right now, what is your role?

I play a playwright named Alex Dennison in this production of REHEARSAL FOR MURDER. Alex is working to uncover who murdered his fiancé a year ago and has a big plan to discover who did it. 

If an actor, what has been your favorite role to date and what is your dream role?

My favorite role of all time was playing Scapin in a production of Moliere’s SCAPIN. I love farces and that role let me do so many incredible things. My dream role has always been Iago in OTHELO. I believe he is one of the cleverest characters ever written and it would be interesting to dive into his dark side. As for a show in the future, I would love to do a big swashbuckling show, like THREE MUSKETEERS or CYRANO. Everyone loves a big adventure show, right?

What do you enjoy most about the Sunset?

I have enjoyed that both my daughter and I have gotten the opportunity to be involved. Along with my shows, my daughter took a class earlier this Spring and absolutely loved it. She was so excited about performing her show and I was beyond proud to get to watch her. Sunset has been amazing at letting my family and I get to experience and learn more about theatre.

When not at Sunset, how do you spend your time?

It all depends on the day, really! If my family and I have the opportunity to go out together, I am a huge fan of playing some mini golf. And the zanier the better! If I’m alone, I’m definitely a homebody and will be found sitting around and playing video games.

What is your favorite color/food/movie/TV show/book/musical or play?

I’m not exactly sure of my favorites, but my wife and I have been enjoying watching Top Chef this season since it is set in Wisconsin. I am learning so much about food here that is really interesting.

What is your favorite quote?

“There are many different kinds of bravery. There’s the bravery of thinking of others before one’s self. Now, your father has never brandished a sword nor fired a pistol, thank heavens. But he has made many sacrifices for his family, and put away many dreams. He puts them in a drawer. And sometimes, late at night, we take them out and admire them. But it gets harder and harder to close the drawer… He does. And that is why he is brave.”

  • M. Barrie, Peter Pan

After my children were born and I changed my priorities to take care of them, this quote always meant a lot to me.

Any other comments?

I just want to thank Sunset for the opportunity to grace their stage again. I am thrilled to be a part of this production and I look forward to hopefully being in many more to come!