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Kay Esposito

Life Member, Kay Esposito, who is currently playing Martha Brewster in the 2024-25 Season opener: ARSENIC AND OLD LACE, now in the Sunset Spotlight.  This delightful comedy runs September 19-22, 2024.  Please join us!

When did you first become involved at Sunset Playhouse and what areas have you been involved with here at the Playhouse?

In 1959, (I was 11), my mother enrolled me in children’s drama classes with the Elm Grove Players.  They’d been building their own home (Sunset) which would open doors in March of 1960 with the Gothic thriller, Turn of the Screw. I auditioned for and got the part of the possessed child, Flora.  And I have been possessed by theatre ever since. 

Immediately, the Sunset Playhouse became a second home and a second family for me.  In addition to acting, I’ve stage-managed, worked props, painted sets (although Paul Armstrong suggested I leave the artistic parts of painting to others), served on the board, co-chaired the 50th anniversary, made lasting friendships, and met my husband here!

 If you are working on a Sunset show right now, what is your role?

Currently, I am playing Martha, one of the charitably murdering sisters, in Arsenic and Old Lace.  The script is delightful; and the cast, director, stage manager, crew, and front office are energizing, encouraging, and supportive.  And that has been my experience with every show I have worked on here!

 If an actor, what has been your favorite role to date and what is your dream role? If a Production Team member, which show have you most enjoyed working on? What show would you like to do in the future?

Because we are privileged to work in community theater, we get the opportunity to audition for many “dream roles,” without having to wait on tables between auditions, like those who try to make a living acting.  I’ve had several dreams here – among them, Lizzie in The Rainmaker, Aldonza in Man of LaMancha, and Olive in Odd Couple, female version.  But many roles are dreams because of the people we get to work with; and any show directed by Alan Furlan was a dream.  (Future dream roles are severely limited by arthritis and other eventualities.)

 What do you enjoy most about the Sunset?

Mostly, I enjoy the feeling of being home when I walk through the doors. And that’s because Sunset seems to attract warm, genuine, dedicated people, who share my values.  There is something to be said about people with whom we share a history, and, at this point in my life, I love reminiscing with the “old” friends, but also making new ones. 

And I am especially proud of the people whom I have introduced to Sunset, because, through them and many others, I am assured that the traditions will continue and will be passed on.  (I’d been a teacher, and some of my favorite students have also found a home here! They know who they are . . . .)

When not at Sunset, how do you spend your time?

I like to write – poetry, plays, memory pieces.  And I love cooking and sewing for family and friends.

What is your favorite color/food/movie/TV show/book/musical or play?

No particular favorite color, but there are certain combinations of colors that knock my socks off.  Rust with turquoise among them.  Favorite food: lobster.  Favorite movie: The Wizard of Oz.  Favorite book:  toss-up – The Poisonwood Bible and A Gentleman in Moscow.

What is your favorite quote?

Anything by Emily Dickinson – (It will say on my gravestone, “I dwell in possibility.”)  I did a one-woman show based on her writings and poetry, and each performance was like going to church. 

Headshot: Stories Framed Photography