Furlan Auditorium Production
WAIT UNTIL DARK, 2021-22 Season
October 21, 2021 - November 7, 2021
- Furlan Auditorium Productions
Evenings at 7:30 PM, Saturday Matinee (November 6, 2021) at 3 PM, Sunday Matinees at 2 PM
Approximate show length: Act 1 – 54 minutes, 15-minute Intermission, Act 2 – 48 minutes
Adults – $22.00
Seniors – $20.00
Child – $11.00 (12 and under)
- Sudden flash of light – photo enlarger and photo lamp
- A flash pot which produces smoke
- Herbal cigarettes which produce odor
- Mature language and staged violence
Value Nights (October 21 & 27, 2021) – $11.00
$1 per ticket fee for phone order / $3 per ticket fee for online order
Susy Hendrix, a blind Greenwich Village housewife, becomes the target of three con-men searching for a missing doll. (It was her husband who unwittingly transported it from Canada, a favor to a woman since murdered.) As the climax builds, Susy realizes that her blindness might be the key to her escape, but she and her tormentors must wait until dark to play out this classic thriller’s chilling conclusion. Set in 1944, Hatcher’s adaption gives the show a film noir twist, heightening the suspense and paranoia.
A roller-coaster ride that leaves the audience giddy from terror!
- Flashing lights – 2x – photo enlarger and photo lamp
- A flash pot which produces smoke
- Herbal cigarette which produce odor – used 3x
- Mature Language
- If you are FULLY VACCINATED, masks are NOT required. However, based on CDC recommendations, patrons, volunteers, production teams, crews, and staff are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to wear a mask when visiting Sunset.
- If you are NOT FULLY VACCINATED, masks ARE REQUIRED when visiting Sunset.
- Tickets sold at full-capacity
- Coat check will not be available.
- Performed in the Furlan Auditorium with a 15-minute intermission.
Please click HERE to view our full Sunset Playhouse COVID-19 Guidelines

Susan – Maura Atwood
Roat – Josh Scheibe
Mike – Chris Celestin
Carlino – Ralph Frattura
Sam – Karol Nowak
Gloria – Eva Dahlberg
Director – Dustin J. Martin
Stage Manager – Pam Seccombe
Assistant Director – Nicholas Callan Haubner
Set Design – Matt Carr
Costume Design – Lisa Quinn
Light Design – Marty Wallner
Sound Design – Jan Pritzl
Props Design – Lynn Ludwig-Franitza
Fight Director – Kara Penrose
By Frederick Knott, adapted by Jeffrey Hatcher
Presented by special arrangement with Concord Theatricals on behalf of SAMUEL FRENCH, INC. concordtheatricals.com