Important Information
Global Plasma Solutions – Sunset Playhouse
Thanks to a very generous donor, Sunset has installed a new Global Plasma Solution’s Bipolar Ionization System throughout the building to make it even safer to work, volunteer, perform, or attend shows at the Playhouse. This system kills pathogens, reduces airborne particles, neutralizes odors, and saves energy. To date, we are one of the few theaters in the state to install this powerful system.
Click HERE to read more about GPS at Sunset.
Sunset COVID Guidelines
Sunset understands that the decision to have a COVID vaccine is a personal one. For the safety of Sunset patrons, volunteers, performers, production teams, crews, students, and staff, we encourage you to seriously consider being fully vaccinated before visiting Sunset Playhouse.
General Guidelines
- Based on the current CDC Guidelines, masks are no longer required at Sunset. However, if you prefer to wear one, please continue to do so.
- Our productions will offer full-capacity seating.
- Patrons, volunteers, performers, and staff are asked to stay home if not feeling well.
- If you hold tickets to a Sunset show, and are not feeling well, please contact the box office to exchange your tickets for vouchers redeemable for selected productions as listed on the vouchers.
- There will be hand sanitizing stations in the lobby please use before entering the theater. Frequent use of hand sanitizer as well as frequent hand-washing recommended for all.
Audition/Rehearsal/Performance Guidelines
Individuals involved in Sunset productions are not required to be vaccinated, however, vaccinations are encouraged.
- Auditions are by appointment. Visit to sign up.
- Quarantine is NOT required for an individual who has been within 6 ft. of a person who has tested positive for COVID during rehearsal or performance.
- If a positive Covid test, you may return to rehearsal as long as you have been fever-free for 24-hours since first developing symptoms.
- All communication concerning COVID must be sent to the Production Manager, Brooke Olson who will notify cast, crew, and production team as needed.
School Guidelines
Based on the current CDC Guidelines, masks are no longer required while attending a Sunset School for the Arts class, workshop or performance. However, if a student prefers to wear one, please continue to do so. Students involved in School for the Arts classes and productions are not required to be vaccinated, however, vaccinations are encouraged.
Certain protocols will continue:
- Parents or other caregivers will not be allowed in the building.
- Hand sanitizer will be provided in each classroom and all public spaces.
- Weather permitting, we may conduct classes outdoors.
- Additional guidelines may be added, or some removed, as the situation continues to evolve.
Entertainment returns to Sunset!
We believe that the arts are more important than ever and we are excited to once again offering entertainment options for our patrons, performance opportunities for our actors, volunteer activities for those ready to be busy again, and meaningful employment for our staff.
Throughout the pandemic, our commitment has been to follow CDC guidelines based on COVID community levels and adjust our policies as recommended.
Sunset Playhouse created guidelines for the safety of our patrons, performers, volunteers, students, and staff. These guidelines are subject to change.