Welcome! We hope you will audition for a Sunset show!
Every season, we hold auditions for our Furlan Auditorium and After Sunset productions and EVERYONE is welcome to try out for our shows!
Sunset Playhouse prides itself on being Wisconsin’s premiere community theater.
Join Us!
Sunset Playhouse
700 Wall Street
Elm Grove, WI 53211
Sunset Playhouse 2024-25 Season
Show 7 – MISS HOLMES – April 18-May 5, 2024 – ages 18 and up
Auditions: April 7 & 8, 2025 Audition time slots begin at 6:15.
Call backs: April 9, 2025 (if needed)
First Rehearsal: April 21, 2025 (Flexible)
Tech: May 31-June 4, 2025
Performances: June 5-22, 2025
Director – Carol Dolphin
Stage Manager – Jennifer Allen
Set Design – Katie Johnson (KJ)
Light Design – Mike Van Dreser
Sound Design – Mike Van Dreser
Costume Design – Kate Dombrowski
Props Design – Susan Zuern
Fight Coordinator – Jason Peregoy
- Audition Information
- All people auditioning will be asked to fill out an audition information sheet for the auditions. We prefer you print the form out in advance, complete it, and bring it with you to the audition – this will make your check in process go much faster. Forms will be available at the auditions if you don’t have access to a printer.
Click HERE to print your audition form.
- You will also need to reserve an audition spot.
Click HERE to reserve your audition spot.
- Arrive 15 minutes before the scheduled audition time if you have completed and printed your audition form or 30-minutes before the scheduled audition time if you will complete your audition form on site.
- The audition will consist of reading from the show’s script.
- Be prepared to stay until 10PM if asked.
- You must be available for EVERY performance to be cast in this show.
- Please be sure to list all conflicts on your audition form.
- Scripts may be checked out out at the box office prior to the audition for a $10 refundable deposit. Check out is open at the box office Tuesday-Friday from 1-4PM – starting September, 2024
Synopsis: When an anonymous note sends a newlywed wife looking for help, Miss Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Dorothy Watson work together to uncover the secrets surrounding a corrupt police inspector whose wives have a habit of turning up dead.
Miss Holmes possesses one of the greatest deductive minds of her generation. Dr. Watson struggles to make a difference at the only hospital in London that will hire female doctors.
This clever reimagining of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s iconic characters pits its heroes not only against cunning criminal masterminds, but also against the rigid and restrictive rules of Victorian society.
Characters (ages flexible) All actors, except Sherlock and Watson, may play multiple characters.
Sherlock Holmes (25-35) Brilliant and eccentric. A keen observer and puzzle solver who disrupts the status quo. Not afraid of a fight.
Dr. Dorothy Watson (25-40s) Intelligent and dedicated physician. Determined to make a difference in the world.
Lizzie Chapman (20s) A young wife looking for help. Would do anything for her husband.
Eudora Featherstone (40s-60s) A strong-willed older Victorian woman and grieving mother.
Mrs. Hudson (40s-60s) Sherlock’s disapproving, but tolerant landlady.
Elizabeth Garrett Anderson (40s-60s) First woman in England to qualify as a physician and surgeon; insightful.
Peggy (20s) Eudora Featherstone’s protective maid.
Martha (30s-60s) A washerwoman and mother, part of Sherlock’s network.
Mycroft Holmes (30s-50s) Sherlock’s older brother and guardian. The Man making things happen within the government.
Geoffrey Lestrade (20s-40s) The epitome of a Scotland Yard detective.
Thomas Chapman (30s-50s) Scotland Yard detective with an unsavory reputation.
Dr. Michael Stamford (25-50s) A respected physician and admirer of Dr. Watson.
Edwin Greener (30s-60s) An army veteran and small-time criminal, a rather shady character.
Reginald (20s-40s) Eudora’s nephew, with hopes for inheritance; both fawning and controlling.
Superintendent (any age) The man in power at Bedlam asylum.
Orderlies, Vagrants, Londoners
Everyone welcome to audition!
Contact Brooke Olson at bolson@sunsetplayhouse.com or 262-782-4431, ext. 233 if you have any further audition-related questions.
JOSEPH AND THE AMAZING TECHNICOLOR DREAMCOAT – July 10-August 3, 2025 – Singers and dancers needed for this large cast musical
Auditions: May 12 & 14, 2025 at 7PM
Call Backs May 15, 2025
First Rehearsal: May 19, 2025
Tech: July 5-9, 2025
Dress/First Call: July 7, 2025
Performances: July 10 – August 3, 2025
Director/Choreographer – Karl Miller
Music Director – Mark Mrozek
Vocal Music Director – Donna Kummer
Stage Manager – Allyson Imig
Audition Information
- All people auditioning will be asked to fill out an audition information sheet for the auditions. We prefer you fill in the form in advance, print it, and bring it with you to the audition – this will make you check in process go much faster. If you don’t have access to a printer, you may complete the form before the start of your audition.
CLICK HERE TO PRINT YOUR AUDITION FORM. - You will also need to reserve an audition spot. (50 slots per night available)
- If you have a resume and/or headshot, please bring them to the audition.
- Everyone will dance first. Please wear comfortable clothing for the dance audition.
- After everyone has danced the singing audition will follow. Please prepare a 32-bar song in the style of the show.
- Bring sheet music. An accompanist will be provided.
- On the night of your audition, please arrive at 6:30PM to be ready for the 7PM start.
- Please be prepared to stay until 10PM
Important Information – Please read
- You must be available for EVERY technical rehearsal (Friday before Opening through Preview Night) and EVERY performance to be cast in this show.
Synopsis: Experience the musical journey that follows Joseph, the favored son of Jacob, as he overcomes trials and tribulations, rising from slavery to power in Egypt.
With a diverse and vibrant score, stunning visuals, and a timeless message of love and forgiveness, this musical celebration promises an enchanting evening for all.
Throughout the journey, audiences are treated to a visual spectacle, with stunning costumes, dynamic choreography, and a stage adorned in a brilliant array of colors. The story transcends time, blending ancient tales with a contemporary flair that resonates with audiences of all ages.
Characters: (ages are flexible)
JOSEPH: (18-20s) High Tenor, Vocal Range Low A to High G. Eleventh son of Jacob and Jacob’s favorite. Looking for a strong actor with a confident but charming personality. Must move and sing very well.
NARRATOR: (20s-40s) Soprano with extended mix/belt range, Low F# to High G. The Narrator is our host, and through word and song guides the audience through the story of Joseph and his brothers.
PHARAOH: (20s-40s) Baritone, Low B to High G#. Pharaoh is the most powerful man in Egypt, and considered a god on earth. The character is in style an homage to Elvis.
POTIPHAR: (20s-40s) Baritone, Vocal Range D to B. Potiphar is a rich, self-indulgent and sophisticated Egyptian capitalist who buys Joseph as a slave. Needs to be a strong actor as well as singer.
MRS. POTIPHAR: (20s-30s) Strong Dancer. Mrs. Potiphar is an indulgent woman who likes to get her own way, and thinks first and foremost about her own personal gratification.
JACOB: (40s-60s) Baritone, Low A to C. Jacob is the father of Joseph and his 11 brothers. He clearly favors Joseph as the first son of his favorite wife, unwittingly causing the friction that exists between Joseph and his brothers. Jacob needs to be a good actor, who can sing and move reasonably well.
JOSEPH’S 11 BROTHERS: (16-20s/any gender) From oldest to youngest: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, and Benjamin), are jealous of Joseph being their father’s favorite son, sell him into slavery, and ultimately realize their wrongdoing.
BUTLER & BAKER: (16-30s) The Butler and the Baker both work for the Pharaoh.
FEMALE ENSEMBLE: (18 and up) Will play multiple roles throughout the show including wives to Jacob and his sons and citizens of Egypt. They sing and dance throughout the entire show. Looking for energetic singers who move well.
YOUNG ENSEMBLE: (16-18 Sing and dance along with main characters throughout the show. May double as other roles/understudies
If you have any questions, please email Brooke Olson at bolson@sunsetplayhouse.com.
Everyone welcome to audition!
Sunset Playhouse announces auditions for its professional Musical MainStage Concert Series on Tuesday, May 27th from 3PM – 7PM at the Playhouse, 700 Wall Street in Elm Grove.
Musical MainStage is a series of six concerts requiring four professional singers and one Rising Star per show. Styles needed for its 2025-26 season include rock, pop, Broadway, folk, jazz, and soul. Rehearsals are minimal and performances take place on Mondays and Tuesdays. Students who will be enrolled in any area high school from September, 2025 – June, 2026 are eligible to be named a Rising Star. All singers should bring 32 bars of sheet music in their key; an accompanist will be provided.
Please sign up for one audition spot. CLICK HERE. Provide us with a valid phone number and email (this information will be discarded after auditions and not used for any other purposes.) Candidates should fill out either a RISING STAR Audition Sheet or a PROFESSIONAL Audition Sheet. Arrive at least 15 minutes prior to your scheduled audition time with a copy of your completed audition form and sheet music in your key, plus a resume and head shot if you have one. If you need to cancel, please do so as early as possible on this site. For last-minute cancellations, please send an email to susandloveridge@gmail.com
Q: I’ve auditioned in the past, can I come in again?
A: If you’ve auditioned previously or appeared in a previous Musical MainStage production, we do NOT need to see you again.
Q: Is this paid?
A: Professional performers will receive a stipend.
Q: When will I be notified?
A: All auditioners will be notified via email by June 30th
Q: I’ve auditioned in the past; can I come in again?
A: It is not necessary if you’ve been seen before but if you would like to try again, you may.
Q: Am I eligible?
A: If you are, or will be, enrolled in any area high school (including home or online) from September, 2025-June, 2026.
Q: Can duets or small groups audition?
A: Yes, but no more than four people; all should be singers.
Q: Will Sunset have music available to those auditioning?
A: No, singers must bring their own sheet music. 32 bars (no more than 1 minute) in your key and please do NOT read the music off your phone!
Q: If the singer doesn’t have music, can they sing a capella or bring recorded music?
A: A capella is not recommended for professional auditions. No recorded music!
Q: What kind of song should I sing?
A: 32 bars of whatever song best shows off your voice, something you can sing with confidence. We’re looking for all styles—rock, pop, standards, country, and Broadway.
Q: Is this an audition for a musical—one of the main stage shows?
A: No, this is for our concert series featuring professional singers and musicians.
Q: How much rehearsing is involved?
A: Rehearsals take place on Monday evenings. Three rehearsals starting a month before the show, plus one tech rehearsal on Sunday. Since there are only four, performers must also work on their own.
Q: Are Rising Stars paid?
A: Not in dollars, but it’s an opportunity to work in a professional environment and gain knowledge, confidence, and exposure. Each Rising Star also receives two comps for opening night, and several have later received college scholarship monies.
Q: When will those chosen be notified?
A: Everyone who auditions, whether selected or not, will receive email notification by June 30th.
Q: What if I’m sick or can’t make it.
A: Please cancel online. For last-minute cancellations, please send an email to: susandloveridge@gmail.com.
Announcing our 2025 JR Musical Audition Series – The Spongebob Musical: Youth Edition
Auditions are available for students entering grades 7 – 12 for the 2025-2026 academic school year. ALL STUDENTS interested in being cast in THE SPONGEBOB MUSICAL: YOUTH EDITION must audition. Actors must be available for ALL tech rehearsals and performances to be cast.
Tuition of $225 will be assessed upon the acceptance of a role – There is NO FEE to audition.
Audition Date:
Tuesday, June 17 OR Wednesday, June 18 (final decision made by April 1)
6:00 – 9:00 pm
Actors are asked to stay for the whole audition time.
Read Through/First Meeting: June 25 @ 4:00 – 6:30
Monday – Thursday (some possible Fridays TBD)
June 30 – August 1
4:00 – 6:30
*no rehearsal July 3 & 4*
No conflicts allowed July 28 – August 7
Tech Rehearsals (no conflicts allowed):
August 3 @ 5:00 – 9:00
August 4, 5, 6, 7 @ 5:30 – 9:00
August 8 @ 7:30
August 9 @ 7:30
August 10 @ 2:00
What to do:
Register for the audition using this link (COMING APRIL 1)
Complete the audition form by Sunday, June 15 @ 5:00 pm by using this link. (COMING SOON)
Complete the conflict form Sunday, June 15 @ 5:00 pm by using this link. (COMING SOON)
What to prepare for the audition:
Information, links, music and backing tracks COMING SOON
If you have any questions, please contact Erika Navin, Director of Education, at enavin@sunsetplayhouse.com
***please note this opportunity is different from our Fall & Winter JR Musical sessions where students register and all who register are cast – acceptance into this production is audition based***
Plunge into this stunning all-singing, all-dancing, dynamic stage show! When the citizens of Bikini Bottom discover that a volcano will soon erupt and destroy their humble home, SpongeBob and his friends must come together to save the fate of their undersea world. With lives hanging in the balance and all hope lost, a most unexpected hero rises up. The power of optimism really can save the world!
The SpongeBob Musical is based on the beloved animated series created by Stephen Hillenburg and features a book by Kyle Jarrow, with original songs by Yolanda Adams, Steven Tyler and Joe Perry of Aerosmith, Sara Bareilles, Jonathan Coulton, Alexander Ebert of Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros, The Flaming Lips, Lady A, Cyndi Lauper, John Legend, Panic! At the Disco, Plain White T’s, They Might Be Giants and T.I., and songs by David Bowie, Tom Kenny and Andy Paley. Additional lyrics are by Jonathan Coulton, with additional music by Tom Kitt. The musical production was conceived by Tina Landau.
An exciting new musical featuring irresistible characters and magical music, this deep-sea pearl of a show is set to make a splash with audiences young and old. The future is bright, the future is bold, the future is The SpongeBob Musical.
Show 1 TBA – 2025-26 Season
Performances: September 4-21, 2025
July 15-16, 2025 – 7-10PM
Callbacks (if needed) – July 17, 2025 – 7-10PM
First Rehearsal: July 21, 2025
Tech/Dress: August 30-September 3, 2025
Performances: September 4-21, 2025
All people auditioning will be asked to fill out an audition information sheet. If possible, print the form out in advance, complete it, and bring it with you to the audition – this will make your check-in process go much faster. If you are unable to complete the form and print it in advance, you can complete your form on arrival.
Audition sheet will be posted in Spring, 2025
- You will also need to reserve an audition spot. (50 slots per night available)
Audition Spots available in Spring, 2025
- On the night of your audition, please arrive at 6:30PM to be ready for the 7PM start.
- Be prepared to stay until 10PM if asked.
- You must be available for EVERY performance to be cast in this show.
- Please be sure to list all conflicts on your audition form.
- If you have a resume and/or headshot, please bring them to the audition.
You must be available for EVERY technical rehearsal (Friday before Opening through Preview Night) and EVERY performance to be cast in this show.
Contact Brooke Olson at bolson@sunsetplayhouse.com or 262-782-4431, ext. 233 if you have any further audition-related questions.
Synopsis: TBA
Characters (ages are flexible): TBA
Everyone is welcome to audition!
Show 2 TBA – 2025-26 Season
Performances: October 16-November 2, 2025
August 18-19, 2025 – 7-10PM
Callbacks (if needed) – August 20, 2025 – 7-10PM
First Rehearsal: August 25, 2025
Tech/Dress: October 11-15, 2025
Performances: October 16-November 2, 2025
All people auditioning will be asked to fill out an audition information sheet. If possible, print the form out in advance, complete it, and bring it with you to the audition – this will make your check-in process go much faster. If you are unable to complete the form and print it in advance, you can complete your form on arrival.
Audition sheet will be posted in Spring, 2025
- You will also need to reserve an audition spot. (50 slots per night available)
Audition Spots available in Spring, 2025
- On the night of your audition, please arrive at 6:30PM to be ready for the 7PM start. You will dance first and then sing.
- Be prepared to stay until 10PM if asked.
- You must be available for EVERY performance to be cast in this show.
- Please be sure to list all conflicts on your audition form.
- If you have a resume and/or headshot, please bring them to the audition.
You must be available for EVERY technical rehearsal (Friday before Opening through Preview Night) and EVERY performance to be cast in this show.
Contact Brooke Olson at bolson@sunsetplayhouse.com or 262-782-4431, ext. 233 if you have any further audition-related questions.
Synopsis: TBA
Characters (ages are flexible): TBA
Everyone is welcome to audition!
Show 3 TBA – 2025-26 Season
Performances: December 4-21, 2025
August September 22 & 24, 2025 – 7-10PM
Callbacks (if needed) – September 25, 2025 – 7-10PM
First Rehearsal: October 6, 2025
Tech/Dress: November 29 – December 3, 2025
Performances: December 4 – 21, 2025, 2025
All people auditioning will be asked to fill out an audition information sheet. If possible, print the form out in advance, complete it, and bring it with you to the audition – this will make your check-in process go much faster. If you are unable to complete the form and print it in advance, you can complete your form on arrival.
Audition sheet will be posted in Spring, 2025
- You will also need to reserve an audition spot. (50 slots per night available)
Audition Spots available in Spring, 2025
- On the night of your audition, please arrive at 6:30PM to be ready for the 7PM start.
- Be prepared to stay until 10PM if asked.
- You must be available for EVERY performance to be cast in this show.
- Please be sure to list all conflicts on your audition form.
- If you have a resume and/or headshot, please bring them to the audition.
You must be available for EVERY technical rehearsal (Friday before Opening through Preview Night) and EVERY performance to be cast in this show.
Contact Brooke Olson at bolson@sunsetplayhouse.com or 262-782-4431, ext. 233 if you have any further audition-related questions.
Synopsis: TBA
Characters (ages are flexible): TBA
Everyone is welcome to audition!
Show 4 TBA – 2025-26 Season
Performances: January 15-February 1, 2026
November 10 & 11, 2025 – 7-10PM
Callbacks (if needed) – November 12, 2025 – 7-10PM
First Rehearsal: November 24, 2025
Tech/Dress: January 10-14, 2026
Performances: January 15-February 1, 2026
All people auditioning will be asked to fill out an audition information sheet. If possible, print the form out in advance, complete it, and bring it with you to the audition – this will make your check-in process go much faster. If you are unable to complete the form and print it in advance, you can complete your form on arrival.
Audition sheet will be posted in Spring, 2025
- You will also need to reserve an audition spot.
Audition Spots available in Spring, 2025
- On the night of your audition, please arrive at 15-minutes before your designated time.
- Be prepared to stay until 10PM if asked.
- You must be available for EVERY performance to be cast in this show.
- Please be sure to list all conflicts on your audition form.
- If you have a resume and/or headshot, please bring them to the audition.
You must be available for EVERY technical rehearsal (Friday before Opening through Preview Night) and EVERY performance to be cast in this show.
Contact Brooke Olson at bolson@sunsetplayhouse.com or 262-782-4431, ext. 233 if you have any further audition-related questions.
Synopsis: TBA
Characters (ages are flexible): TBA
Everyone is welcome to audition!
Auditions: December 15-16, 2025
Call backs: December 17, 2025
First Rehearsal: January 19, 2026 (flexible) Tech: February 27 – March 4, 2026
Performances: March 5 – March 22, 2026
1. All people auditioning will be asked to fill out an audition information sheet ONLINE. If possible, print the form out in advance, complete it, and bring it with you to the audition. If you are unable to complete the form in advance, please arrive 30 minutes before the start of the audition to complete your form.
Click HERE to print your audition form.
(available Fall, 2025)
2. You will also need to reserve an audition spot.
Click HERE to reserve your audition spot.
(available Fall, 2025)
3. If you have a resume and/or headshot, bring them to the audition. (not required)
4. Auditions will consist of reading from the script. Scripts are available at the box office for a refundable $10 deposit.
5. Be prepared to stay until 10PM if asked.
6. You must be available for EVERY performance to be cast in this show. Be sure to list all conflicts on your audition form.
7. Contact Brooke Olson at bolson@sunsetplayhouse.com or 262-782-4431, ext. 233 if you have any further audition-related questions.
Characters: TBA
Auditions: February 9 & 11, 2026
Call backs: February 12, 2026
First Rehearsal: February 23, 2026
Actors on stage: April 13, 2026
Tech: April 12 & 13 – basic tech TBD
Tech: April 18 or 19 – 23, 2026
First Call: April 20, 2026
Performances: April 23-May 10, 2026
Rehearsals: TBD – Monday – Friday 7-10PM
More information to follow in fall of 2025.