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(262) 782-4430

Category: Musical MainStage

BILLY JOEL & FRIENDS – Meet the Cast

BILLY JOEL & FRIENDS will be performed January 30 & 31st in our Furlan Auditorium. This Musical MainStage concert will be a celebration of singer-songwriters



Musical MainStage presents: RING-DING-A-DING: SINATRA & CO. Sinatra may have been king, but he reigned over an era that introduced dozens of our favorite artists


What’s Happening At Sunset

Well, spring has sprung and we can finally venture outside so why not get out of the house and head over to Sunset for one

rising star

Are you a Rising Star?

Sunset Playhouse is heading in to our 56th season of providing quality entertainment. What many people don’t know is that Sunset is also home to

musical mainstage

Musical MainStage

SINGER/SONGWRITERS: UNPLUGGED Last season Musical MainStage took a first bite out of this giant genre and the show was so much fun that our audience